
How to remove the smell from our new clothes!!

Get rid of the smell and the chemicals with a simple method that we will suggest you. But sometimes, new clothes carry with them new smells, annoying to our sense of smell. This odor is indicative of the presence of toxic chemicals in the fabric. The solution is simple!!…….

Wash new clothes or bedding first and then wear or layer them, unless it is 100 percent organic.
This smell comes from a strong mixture of chemicals such as formaldehyde and some resins, and should be removed.
Chemicals are used in fabric finishing with multiple purposes, such as stain resistance, preventing creasing or even sanitizing.
Most contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which, such as formaldehyde, they usually irritate the sense of smell and may be carcinogenic.

OR “recipe” that I give you here is the one I use for n’ I successfully remove this smell from clothes!!
It also works to remove chemicals, low level, which we normally use at home, such as perfumes.
  • Place the clothes in the washing machine with enough water, to cover them.
  • Sprinkle about a cup of baking soda on the clothes in the washing machine and let them soak overnight.
  • After the necessary soaking has been done, set the washing machine to spin for a few minutes.
  • We rinse as usual.
  • We repeat the method until the clothes stop smelling.
Some imported garments are now impregnated with long-lasting disinfectants.

You can identify these clothes by smell alone.

It is very difficult to remove their smell and the method I mentioned above, does not always have positive results p’ these cases.

The best solution is not to buy these clothes.

I have started a list of companies that disinfect their clothes with unpleasant to my smell disinfectants.
Before you start using any method, mine or someone else's, for n’ remove odors, read the instructions carefully and test the fabric first.

Each person or fabric or material may react differently to a particular suggested use.

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