
Your eyelashes stick together?? The Ultimate Tip!!

Your eyelashes are sticking?? The reason for dyed eyelashes that often stick and get tangled together. But why does this happen and how can you avoid it??? …

Your lashes stick together when applying mascara, because the product is in thick form and works on the hair like the gel works on the hair!!
Hair they stick to the material and create "tufts", that look unsightly!!
This inevitably happens, even when using an expensive mascara with a very thick brush that promises perfect separation. Yes, to some extent this is achieved but never to perfection!!
To solve the problem and have perfectly separated eyelashes, you have to ... comb them!!
Apply a layer of mascara and before it dries use a special brush, to comb them!! 

So you will separate each hair and break the "tufts" that have been created!!
In case you wish extra intensity in the look, wait a minute, pass one second layer and comb again.
Do not spend third layer, unless you want to emphasize on the outer lashes for a cat-like look!!

Good luck and Happy Holidays!!

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