
5 Tips για να διατηρήσετε το χρώμα των μαλλιών σας το καλοκαίρι!!

Learn how to keep your hair color and look like you've just come from the salon……..

1. Do not often wash
It seems contradictory, but washing your hair every day causes fading in color. The water dries out the natural oils of the hair, which are essential for the hair shine. Try to wash your hair every day or, even better, δύο ή τρεις φορές την εβδομάδα.
When you wash your hair, do one last rinse with cold water 30 with 45 seconds. The cold water closes the scales of the hair, helping optimum absorption of the emollient.
2. change shampoo
Your hair can get used to a certain shampoo or conditioner and have immunity.
That’ this change your shampoo every three weeks and use shampoo for colored hair, which is specially designed to maintain the color.

3. Not in iron

The heat and especially iron hair except that burns the hair, fade color faster by showing your hair more dull.

If you can not avoid at least spend the edges a little silicone before use.

4. Attention to diet

Your skin and the health of your hair are affected by what you eat. Η κατανάλωση όλων των συνιστώμενων ημερήσιων βιταμινών και θρεπτικών συστατικών είναι απαραίτητα για λαμπερά και υγιή μαλλιά.
The omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon and walnuts) It is vital for shiny hair. Kale and spinach, also help your hair shine.

If you want your hair to grow long fast, you can receive biotin supplements, η οποία συμβάλει στην επιτάχυνση της ανάπτυξης των μαλλιών.

5. Use SPF for your hair

Just as your skin needs to be protected from the sun, dyed hair must also be protected from harmful UV rays.

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