
4 Tips and Secrets for perfect legs on the beach!!

Summer is here for good and it's time to show off your shapely legs which should always be groomed!! How can you achieve this?;…..

Exfoliation on the heels
It is a very important step and should never be skipped, because even the most beautiful and well-trained legs, they can look bad because of an unkempt foot. So exfoliate and get rid of dead cells, leaving a skin smooth and soft that no one will be able to resist.

Hair removal

Another key element is the removal of unwanted hair. Make sure they are always ready for every caress and avoid shaving. You'd be better off making a halawah, wax or use epilators.

Moisturizing cream

Don't forget to put cream on your feet and moisturize them, they absolutely need it, especially in the summer. They will be softer and more velvety.

Summer has arrived and what could be better than wonderfully tanned legs from sunbathing or even from self tan, which will help hide imperfections.

Source : mylady.gr
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