
35+1 decorative touches with metallic flashes at home!!

Metallic shades transferred the house to give a little of their luster. Gold, silver and copper literally spread out in space to give their own decorative touch. From minimal furniture in industrial style, up metal tables and chairs, shimmering curtains shimmer in daylight and stunning wallpapers with metallic colors and motifs….

Decorative objects, as always, They are dominant and give the finishing touches to the decor. metal vases, large mirrors and frames. Floor lamps and ceiling in shimmering metallic shades suit even the most classic and vintage elements of the house giving a more modern style, that exudes luxury.

The metallic flashes coming home, to give new air renewal. Follow the style even more daring and different metal shades, like silver with gold or copper with silver. For most distinctive result limit on smaller surfaces and small decorative items and avoided the excesses.

For more lighthearted décor, combined metallic shades to pastels, while impressive are combinations with intense shades of blue, green and turquoise.

With a little imagination and a little color to your favorite metallic shade can be me and your only an old wooden chair, some glass jars, an old plastic lamp, skouriameno a metallic mirror or even build your own idea or composition of frames with metal elements.

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