
20 Ιδέες Ανακύκλωσης στα Μπουκάλια του Κρασιού, σε μικρούς κήπους, βάζα, fixtures… (Video)

Ανακυκλώνοντας τα μπουκάλια του κρασιού, μπορούμε να φτιάξουμε πανέμορφα φωτιστικά, βάζα,
pots or to use them in any way we want!! A beautiful recycling idea it is, small gardens that fit inside wine bottles….

It's a shame to throw a bunch of empty bottles in the recycling bins while we can “recycle” the same, in our house.

Learn how to cut a glass bottle in two, using very simple materials, in the following video.
How to cut the glass bottle – The technique
This construction, it is essentially about how to cut a glass
bottle in two pieces. Subsequently, the pieces of the bottle,
they can be used for various constructions, as for candles or for
hanging lights.
 We will need:

  • Glass bottles
  • Acetone
  • Cotton thread (sold in embroidery shops). The thread had better be thick.
  • Matches or lighter
Glass bottle cutting instructions
You will also need a large container, filled with cold water (B.C. a pot). Alternatively, you can also fill the bathroom or kitchen sink, but in both cases the space should be well ventilated.

Step 1: Wrap the cotton thread around the bottle (5-6 turns), where you want to cut it and tie it in a knot. Better, the thread should be thick, so that when you set it on fire, to burn longer.


Step 2: Carefully remove the wrapped thread and immerse it in a container of acetone. Soak it well.

Step 3: Place the acetone-soaked floss back into the bottle.

Step 4:
With a match, set the cotton thread on fire. Keep the bottle from
his neck. While the thread burns, you should rotate it slowly
bottle so that it burns evenly.
also, you should keep
the bottle slightly raised (with its base up), so that
to be trapped inside it, the warm air.
Caution: The space should be well ventilated.

Step 5: Όταν σβήσει η φωτιά βουτήξτε απότομα το μπουκάλι μέσα στο κρύο νερό. In no time, the lower part of the bottle will peel off very gently (without noise and without shaking glasses or water).

Advantages of this technique:

  • The bottle is cut in a minimum of time,
  • Cutting is done gently, without noise and without shaking glasses or water.


The cut point is not perfect and needs sandpapering

Watch the video, where exactly technique is presented

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