
5 spa treatments you have in house products!!

Time to spa at home with your friends. We discovered five easy recipes that will build with products definitely have in your kitchen.
Follow the instructions and updates the body and face, easy and fast….

1. Rose water and coconut milk for a relaxing bath
The two natural ingredients create the perfect blend for a bubble bath that will relax and to relax. The therapeutic aroma of rose water is very soothing and creamy coconut milk will make your skin extremely soft and silky. Take a quarter cup of rose water in your bath and mix it with one quarter cup of coconut milk and stress will disappear.

2. Honey and olive oil to hydrate skin
Honey and olive oil is a very good mix to hydrate skin, since the soft texture can act as a moisturizing mask. Mix both ingredients in equal parts and both left after use, Save it in a jar for future times. Whenever you feel your skin dull and dry, You can apply it.

3. Brown sugar and honey scrub for face and body The brown sugar contains vitamin B6 which is very important for hair and skin, while honey has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

If mixed, create a very good scrub
face and body that offers mild exfoliation. Rub with circular
moves about 30 seconds and rinse with lukewarm water.

4. Raw sugar and low oil content Vaseline lip scrub.
Treatments for lips are not often used and we believe that putting a simple lip balm to protect. But only this is not enough.

Using a low oil content petroleum and raw sugar can create a scrub for lips you apply it, when the weather dries.

Rub a small amount of the mixture on your lips and rinse with a warm towel. Immediately after, your lips will have a nice sheen.

5. Egg yolk and lemon juice to combat redness
This mixture of lemon juice and egg yolk are ideal to combat the facial redness and to heal small annoying spots. Use this treatment once a week or as needed to give your face a dewy, fresh feel and take away redness and blemishes.
Source : joytv.gr
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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