
20 alternative uses of vinegar

Bet that use vinegar bottle you have in your home exclusively to sprinkle your salad. This liquid was discovered accidentally, when products such as wine, beer and cider started in time to acquire a sour taste. But did you know that vinegar, especially white and that derived from cider, It has too many uses; lo 20 unusual and ecological uses of vinegar you may not have thought:…

1. Conditioner for hair
If you want silky and shiny hair vinegar works wonders! Dissolve
a tablespoon of cider vinegar in a glass of water with a few
drops of essential oil. Apply to your hair and rinse well. the
hair will become shiny color and knots will be scrapped. For
some time your head will smell but the smell will soon
2. Kill weeds and weeds
Weeds may mar the image of an otherwise faultless
lawn, melon field or louloudokipou. Forget chemicals and
possible use vinegar high acetic acid content!
3. Remove marks from sweating in the armpit
Signs of armpit sweat can ruin his beloved
your shirt. Deodorants do worse things in reaction
their salts with sweat. Spray the stain with white vinegar before possible
washing and the stain will disappear.
4. Soften fabrics
Half a glass of white vinegar to the wash cycle not only protects the linen
and protects colors, but removes the remnants
detergent. Even proposed as a replacement for softener - just
add a little vinegar in the rinse cycle.
5. Giatrepste sore throat
Drink or gargle with a little cider vinegar diluted in warm water.
Add a little honey to the mixture to make it more tolerable.
6. Hunt ants
Current small household ants in your kitchen; Sprinkle with a
mixture 50-50 water-vinegar and removed. Vinegar "extinguished" also the
smells of food that leads to the kitchen.
7. Relieve aching muscles
The cider vinegar absorbs my lactic acid is concentrated in
muscles after exercise and causes pain. Mix a few tablespoons vinegar
a glass of water, soak a cloth and place it in pained
areas 20 minutes.
8. Freshen the air in your home
smells tsigarila, burnt food or pet: issue are
unpleasant odors are annoying. Chemical deodorants simply
cover unpleasant odors and make things worse. The
acetic acid vinegar absorbs smells, while you can
use to clean dirty surfaces.
9. Remove stickers
Heat a little white vinegar and dip a cloth. The stickers on the bumper of the car or the door of the wardrobe are past.
10. Stop hiccups
Doctors say there are no medicines for the hiccups. the
But next time you catch your hiccups try a shot of vinegar.
11. Clean paint brushes
You forgot to wash your brushes and have kokkalosei. Do not
fly! Fill a pan with white vinegar and bring it to the point
boiling. Dip the brush in boiling vinegar until the paint to dissolve.
12. Dissolve rust
The acetic acid in the vinegar reacts with the iron oxide and removes
rust of small metallic materials: Screws, nuts etc.. Put them in
a vessel full of vinegar and rinse well.
13. Treat odors from foods
Your Tupperware can smell strongly of some foods. Clean
with a cloth soaked in vinegar and odors will disappear.
14. Remove metal salts
The salts of the water creates a crust on coffee, the kettle
and swimming. Create a mixture of hot water and vinegar and
Your coffee will unclog. Clean your bathroom with vinegar and
salts will dissolve.
15. Correct the "mistakes" in the kitchen
Fell much red pepper in food; Add white vinegar or cider vinegar to neutralize the "burning".
16. Extend the life of cut flowers
The bouquets of flowers quickly wither. Add two tablespoons
tablespoon of vinegar in the vase and the flowers will remain little
17. Clean glass, plastic, colors and floors
The magic mixture 50-50 water-vinegar will clean stubborn dirt in
shelves, the refrigerator, glasses and your china. Create a
ointment with the addition of baking soda or mix 1/3 white vinegar, ⅓
pure alcohol, ⅓ water and three drops of dishwashing liquid for a cheap and
ecological floor cleaner. Not recommended for surfaces
marble or granite.
18. Treat fungal infections
warts, fungal infections in the toes, dandruff
treated with white vinegar or vinegar cider. Put feet on a
mix with one part vinegar to five parts water and clean.
19. Soften and kill bacteria in meat
You want to soften your meat; Marinate in vinegar cider and kill bacteria such as E. Coli.

20. Xevouloste gutters and clean waste disposal
Xevouloste your sink without resorting to the familiar caustic and
hazardous chemical. Pour baking soda and add white vinegar. Leave
the act of 30 minutes and rinse with boiling water. In the same bay
you can clean your waste disposal. Especially if the freeze
vinegar in ice cubes simultaneously hone and blades.

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