
The best homemade face masks

Homemade face masks can have very good results because they are made from completely natural ingredients and contain various chemicals such as preservatives, stabilizers, etc.. Besides, a homemade beauty mask usually costs a lot less money than a beauty mask…….
of the Commerce. Below we present the best homemade face masks so that they become more striking than ever.

Best beauty masks for face

The face and the facial skin plays a key
role in the overall picture of woman. the person is indeed one of
the first things that draws attention. wrinkles, fine lines, or
xeroderma, greasiness, blackheads, different signs, etc..
υποβαθμίζουν τηνποιότητατης επιδερμίδας με αποτέλεσμα αυτό να παίζει
negative role in the beauty of the whole person. On the other hand
a smooth, tight, hydrated and smooth skin without blemishes is
sure can turn a mortal to Goddess. Below you can
find the best homemade face masks for face.

beauty mask for facial hydration
1/4 full cup of yogurt
2 tablespoons honey
1 ripe banana
Method of preparation:
Mash the banana, Put the pulp in a bowl and
then add the yogurt and honey. Mix well and spread
in person 10 with 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Beauty mask for wrinkles
1 egg white
1 tablespoon honey
4 drops fennel oil
4 drops sandalwood
Method of preparation:
Mix the ingredients and apply on face and neck 20 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Beauty mask for oily skin
1 apple
3 tablespoons honey
Method of preparation:
Peel the apple and mash the (without stones) in a
blender. Add honey and mix well. Apply in person
15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

beauty mask for dry skin
1 ripe avocado
4 tablespoons yogurt full
Method of preparation:
Puree 1 ripe avocado without peel in a blender and
add yogurt. Mix well and apply on face for 10 with
15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Beauty mask for pimples (acne)
half a cucumber
2 tablespoons of oat
juice of half a lemon
1 tablespoon honey
Method of preparation:
Put ingredients in blender and mix well to become a
very nice cream. Apply the mask on the face 15 with 20 minutes and
rinse with cold water. This mask is very good for pimples and
for acne.

beauty mask for facial tightening
1 tablespoon yogurt full
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Method of preparation:
This mask is very good for skin tightening.
Mix the yogurt with the lemon juice and apply on face for 30 minutes.
It is a natural face lift mask.

beauty mask for facial peeling
Dried orange peel powder (2 tablespoons)
2 tablespoons whole milk
Method of preparation:
Spread some orange peels in the sun so
dryness. This will take about 48 hours. Put the peels in a
blender and beat them so that become dust. Mix 2
tablespoons of powder from orange peel with 2 tablespoons milk
mix thoroughly until a paste. Apply on face with gentle
circular motion massage and let the paste dry up
your. Wash off after half an hour.

Best beauty masks for hair

Hair and playing these very important role in the overall picture of
ladies man. Healthy hair retain its vibrancy and shine with
αποτέλεσμα ναφωτίζουνολόκληρο το πρόσωπο. On the other hand, whether
hair is dull, they have split ends, It is very dry or very oily,
etc., then usually subtract from feminine beauty. Below
there are recipes on how to make the best homemade masks
Beauty Hair.

Beauty mask for dull hair
1 ripe avocado
A little olive oil
Method of preparation:
Puree 1 ripe avocado and add a little olive oil. Stir
well and apply to your hair for a few minutes. This mask
restore your hair lost its luster.

Beauty mask for split ends
1 ripe banana
a few drops of almond oil
Method of preparation:
Mash a ripe banana and add to the mix some
drops almond. Apply to your hair 25 minutes and
then wash your hair. The hair mask with banana is very good for
earwig, and will help the hair gain luster.

beauty mask for dry hair
Coconut oil
Method of preparation:
This hair mask for dry hair is very simple as it consists
only one component. Apply a little coconut oil to your hair and
massage for a few minutes. Cover your hair with a towel and
wait for 20 minutes. Then you can wash your hair. For
better results can be massaged with warm coconut oil.

Beauty Mask for oily hair
1 egg
50 grams yogurt full
Method of preparation:
Mix the yogurt with the egg and apply to your hair 30 minutes. Then you can wash your hair with hot water.

Beauty Mask for hair hydration
2 tablespoons honey
1 ripe avocado
Method of preparation:
Puree 1 ripe avocado and add 2 tablespoons honey.
Mix well and apply to your hair gently massage
circular movements. Let the mixture sit for 15 with 20 minutes. Afterward
shampoo your hair.

Best beauty masks for the body

The female body causes desire and admiration in men and
therefore plays a very important role in the overall picture of
ladies man. cellulite, stretch marks, relaxation, different signs, etc..
degrade the quality of the body's skin resulting
make the woman seem less attractive. On the other hand
a woman with tight body without cellulite and blemishes are sure
that is gaining ground in the men's preferences. below we present
the best homemade face masks for the body so as to become

Beauty mask for cellulite
half cup of coffee dregs (or coffee beans)
2 tablespoons olive oil
jelly wrap
Method of preparation:
Thoroughly mix coffee grounds with olive oil and heat the
mixture in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Apply
hot mix (not hot) your body gently massage in circular
movements and then cover the area with a visor
wrapping. Wait for 30 min then remove the gelatin and
take a bath to remove the coffee beans.

Beauty Mask for stretch marks
potato slices
little coconut oil
Method of preparation:
Simply cut a potato into thin slices. Then apply a little oil
on the coconut that has the problem area and take a slice of potato and
start to rub gently with circular movements. Make sure
juice of potato slice comes into contact with skin areas
you have trouble. Continue with the remaining slices elsewhere
of the body. Both the juice of potato and coconut oil help
much to smooth the signs of stretch marks.

Beauty mask for body scrub
4 tablespoons sugar (white or brown)
4 tablespoons olive oil
in a Vitamin E capsule contents
Method of preparation:
Mix the ingredients and spread on your body gently massage
circular motion. This body scrub is a very good natural
scrub with very good results.

Source : fe-mail.gr
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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