
Make your own general cleaning sprays only with natural materials

Η οικονομική κρίση μας έχει φέρει στοαμήν”, but has made us more creative and has brought us closer to the natural materials we can easily find in our house and most often is more…….
effective than the commercial products. So an end to cleaning chemicals! Let's start to build our general spray cleaning using only natural materials !What materials you will need

What you'll need:

  • Glass jar with lid, white vinegar,
  • Peel oranges, tangerines (citrus fruits in general) and an empty plastic bottle with spray pump.
The procedure will follow: 
  • Put the peels in the jar until it filled. Not compressing the, to fit and vinegar.
  • Fill the jar white vinegar to the top.
  • Sealing the jar with the metal cap. Watch properly closed the lid.
  • Then place the jar in the cupboard 2 weeks.
  • Open the jar and remove the peels.
  • Bring the vinegar (which now has an intense orange aroma) the empty bottle and use it for general cleaning of the house.
The disinfectant effect of vinegar combined with orange scent will keep your house clean and free of germs, while the delicious flavor!
Source: neadiatrofis.gr
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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