
How to react and what to do in an earthquake – Survival Guide

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Everyone should know how to react in an earthquake since Greece is one of the most earthquake-prone regions of the world and often densely-hit by devastating earthquakes
Most injuries and deaths during an earthquake, due mainly ……panicking. There are few cases where there have been violent injuries and deaths from overcrowding in the earthquake.What to do during an earthquake:

First calm and not panic. Minimize your movements
a few steps to the nearest safe place if you are in
indoors, Stay there until the shaking and
seek table or desk or something that you can kaliftheite with

If you are indoors:

  • Tell the soil. Take cover under a sturdy table or other
    furniture and wait until vibration stops. If it does not exist
    close your table or desk, Cover your face and head with
    Your hands and kourniaste in a corner inside the building
  • Stay away from glass, windows, external doors,
    walls, and anything that could fall, like. fixtures
    and furniture
  • Stay in bed, if you are there when earthquake happens.
    Wait and protect your head with a pillow, unless
    you are under heavy fixture that could fall. In case
    she, go to the nearest safe place
  • Do not use doors, unless you know that they rely
    and is sufficiently near you. Many doors are indoors
    lightweight construction and offer no protection
  • Stay inside until the shaking and until
    it is safe to go outside. Do not try to leave the building during
    duration of vibration. Surveys have shown that most
    injuries occur when people inside buildings
    They are trying to move to a different location inside the building or
    They are trying to leave off
  • Do not use elevators
  • Be aware that the electricity may be interrupted or even fire protection systems may be activated

If you are outdoors

  • stay there
  • Move away from buildings, street lighting and cables
  • If you are in the countryside, stay there until you stop
    vibration. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at
    outlets and close to the outer walls. Ground movements during
    during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or
    injury. Most cases of injuries and deaths are
    result walls collapse, broken glasses and falls

If you are in a moving vehicle

  • Stop as soon as possible safely. Avoid stopping near or under buildings, trees, viaducts or cables
  • Proceed with caution when the earthquake stopped. avoid
    roads, bridges or ramps that might have been damaged by

If you are trapped under debris

  • Do not turn match
  • Do not move or lift dust
  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or clothing
  • Tap to a tube wall or, that rescuers
    They can find you. Use a whistle, if available.
    Shout only as a last resort. Shouting may be forced to
    inhale dangerous amounts of powder

What to do after the earthquake

  • When you stop the vibration, look around to make sure
    it is safe to proceed. Subsequently, leave the building
  • Expect aftershocks. These secondary vibrations
    They are usually less violent than the main quake, but can be
    strong enough to do additional damage
  • Help injured or trapped. Remember to
    help your neighbors who may require special assistance,
    as infants, elderly and disabled. Give first
    support where appropriate. Do not move seriously
    wounded, unless they are in immediate danger of suffering
    further damage. Call help. Look and stop small fires. OR
    Fire is the most common hazard after an earthquake
  • Listen to radio or TV battery the latest emergency information
  • Watch out for possible tsunami, if you live in coastal
    areas. The tsunami also known as seismic sea waves
    (mistakenly called "tidal waves"). When local authorities
    tsunami warning, assume that a number of dangerous
    waves is on the way. Stay away from beaches and coastal areas
    since there is a tsunami risk
  • Use the telephone only for emergency calls
  • Go to a designated public shelter if your home was damaged and no longer safe
  • Stay away from damaged areas. stay away
    unless your assistance has been specifically requested by police,
    fire Department, or relief organizations. Return to your home only
    when authorities say it is safe
  • Be careful when driving after an earthquake and wait Lantern holidays
  • Having established that it is safe to return your, or
    Your first priority should be your safety as
    start cleaning and restoration
  • Open drawers and cupboards carefully. Beware of objects that can fall off shelves
  • Wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, sturdily
    shoes and work gloves to protect you from injury
    broken objects
  • Immediately clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, gasoline or other
    flammable liquids. Leave the area if you smell gas or fumes
    other chemicals
  • Check the entire length of chimneys for damage. Unnoticed damage could lead to fire
  • Check for gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear
    blowing or hissing, open a window and quickly leave the
    building. Turn off the gas through the central valve and call
    the gas company from a neighbor's house. If
    turn off the gas for any reason, must
    reactivated by a professional
  • Look for electrical system damage. If you see
    sparks or broken or damaged cables, or if it smells burnt,
    disable the electrical current. If you can tap into water to
    reach the main switch, talk to an electrician to you
    advise what to do
  • Control of damage to water and sewage network. If
    you suspect sewage lines are damaged, avoid
    using the toilets and call a plumber. If you have
    destroyed water pipes, contact the water company and
    avoid using tap water

Source : defencenet.gr
Diligence : NewsRoom Mykonos Ticker

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