
Show weaker - He does not want it, wants way!

Feeling bloated and try to find ways to look thinner;
There are ways that help to fit into your favorite clothes, without discomfort for your body…….

How RS 1 - Proper nutrition
Admittedly foods inflatable carbohydrates and milk, This creates fluid retention. So as you can understand better stay away from them for a while.
Recommended foods that increase urination, such as cucumbers, The lemon, asparagus, and fruits rich in water, help eliminate fluid from the body.
These foods prefer the star just before their public appearances!

How RS 2 - The right bathroom
Yet! There is a right way to do a bathroom, which offers multiple benefits to the organization, health and beauty.
Due to lack of time, often the bath procedure is very fast. Error! It is highly advantageous to fill the bathtub and take a cup, which will be available from pharmacy.
With this addition of water is healing and helps the body get rid of excess water, secret that only knew the elderly. Now, however, the start and renowned dermatologists.

How RS 3 - Proper posture
There are many women who want to enhance its presence in space. Of course you can do. So hold your head high, straighten your back, put their shoulders back, "Suck" the belly (so as always) and tighten your buttocks.
These tips will make your show more tall, weaker, stronger, giving the air of confidence.

How RS 4 - The right color
For reasons which have not yet been elucidated, tanned skin makes the body look more impossible. However this does not mean you have to sit for hours in the sun, until you obtain the desired color.
It provides an easy and healthy way to tan , without exposure to hazardous radiation and listens to self-tanners name. It creams or sprays containing the active ingredient DHA , which acts on the inner skin layer.
also, if you do not want to use these cosmetics on face, there is a dark powder which helps to form shadings, greater emphasis on the area under the cheekbones and jaw.
With this trick reduces the volume to the cheeks and chin.

How RS 5 - Better to talk than to talk
Long circulating the myth that chewing gum helps not to fool hunger and not to 'load' the body calories. Not such a good idea!
Because, chewing swallow air thus inflates the gastrointestinal.
also, the body can not digest the artificial sweeteners and create retention.
Yet, movements that repeat strengthen the muscles around the chin, so the face looks wider.

How RS 6 - Help from nature
Nature is one factor that helps in health and beauty offers us generously goodies.
The dandelion, the kontylochorto, cranberry juice and other substances, They have a mild diuretic effect, helping the body to eliminate the stored liquid.
also, an integrated approach, it is necessary to drink a lot of water. The more water we drink, the less the body stores , and when we leave the body dehydrated , then tries to retain water to avoid thirst.

Source: i-live
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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