
Make test: Find the type of your nails and picked the perfect base for you!!

Just as there are different types of hair and skin, so there are different types of nails, they need individual therapy.
For each different type then, will be lectures and an adequate basis to cure or even to maintain the good condition of your nails. Of course do not forget that very important role plays and nutrition…..

Many vitamins and proteins you can find the foods and help your nails and then. The combination of proper nutrition and appropriate products are always ideal!
dehydrated nails
If you belong to this type, then your nails lack moisture and may have experienced intense streaks or white spots.
You need a base to offer you greater strengthening nails. It is advisable to contain a combination of proteins, such as vitamin E and jojoba. These ingredients help to offer protection and elasticity and hydration, while cool and cure nails.
brittle nails
If you belong to this type, then your nails are very hard and not elastic. They tend to fade and break up the edge.
Definitely you need a base that restores flexibility and relieves breaks. It should contain a combination of moisturizing proteins and calcium, which help to flexibility of nail.
damaged nails
If you belong to this type, your nails are very thin, weak and cracked. Nails show can not grow. Usually our nails so after applying artificial nails.
A special implementation basis for nails after removing artificial nail restoring and reconstructing the damaged nails from the root to the surface, It is ideal for’ this type.
normally nails
This is the goal! If you belong to this type then your nails are healthy. Their color is pink, is loud, smooth and elastic. The only thing you now is to reward.


Use a foundation that maintains healthy, normally nails. Your base should be rich in vitamins A, C, D, E and natural herbs. Vitamins are helping to maintain the elasticity of the nail, collagen production and protect the nails from damage.
Nails peeling
It can occur in all types of nails.
The most appropriate base is one that will prevent your nails from peeling and crushing. Χρησιμοποίησε μια βάση που να περιέχει ρητίνη για ναενώσειόλα μαζί τα ευαίσθητα στρώματα του νυχιού.
weak nails
Your nails need urgent help. They are soft, αδύναμα και χωρίςζωή”. They need to grow up.


Definitely you need a foundation that helps strengthen nails. The most suitable base is one that contains a combination of creatine with calcium proteins, in order to harden your nails very attenuated.
Nails that break easily
Your nails are so thin that are prone to breakage and not have time to grow up.
The appropriate number for you is one that contains fiber, whose aim is to create a protective layer on your nails, protecting them from breakage.

Extra tip:

When do you want to paint it on your own nails, It is very important to apply a base coat to protect it from paint. Especially when it comes to use paints in shades of red or dark. In this way, except that you protect your nails, Avoid and go yellow! 

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