
Deodorants Nature

You can not leave the house without having put deodorant, but afraid of the "strange" chemical that may contain commercial products.
You are not alone. Is true, that a chemical in a sensitive point, such as the armpit, makes you feel insecure. What can you do;…..

The answer lies in the nature and simple products that can substitute suspicious deodorants. In each case, sure, do not expect deodorant do wonders. First and inviolable rule of hygiene are frequent showers!

Baking soda

The soda is a magical product with countless applications. One of them is the absorption of odor. Simply mix one tablespoon baking soda with a little water and apply the mixture. wipe everything,what is left over and you're ready!

Lemon juice

Another natural deodorant that is in abundance in all homes. Lemon juice has beneficial properties and is an enemy of bacteria. Caution: not try it if you just shave your armpits!

Alcohol and essential oils

Mix alcohol with your favorite essential oil and place the mixture in a small package spray. You can have it with you and use it as often as you want. Applies here, the restriction on… shaved armpits.

recipe for… homemade deodorant

ingredients: ¼ cup baking soda, ¼ cup cornstarch, 5 tablespoons of coconut oil.

Implementation: Mix baking soda and starch in a bowl, using a fork. Add the 4 tablespoons of coconut oil and run it until homogenous.

If it is too sfischto, add another tablespoon oil. Place the mixture in a jar and then release it in the fridge to tighten. Apply with fingers.

Source: newsbeast.gr
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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