
the 6 pou disfigure your mistakes. Change!!

You can care your appearance every day but there are bad habits that you "steal" the beauty ….

1. Sleep on one side
Many during sleep choose them sleep sideways either side. This causes the skin to "crease" and over time to create vertical wrinkles in this…This side of the person who used to sleep.

What to do: 
Wrinkles are also men and the best solution is to change sleeping habits. Try to sleep on your back.

2. Lick your lips
When he's cold many lick their lips in order to soak. But what actually accomplish is to dehydrate more, since when evaporating saliva will cause more dryness of lips and therefore visible cracks, redness, even wounds.

What to do: 
often moisturize your lips with a commercial product or protect it from cold by putting a little Vaseline. One trick you can do, if you are female, is wearing a bright lipstick color that will prevent you to lick your lips to avoid spilling.

3. Wrong diet and no exercise ...
The modern lifestyle, work, the family, and obligations have a woman every day not to leave any free time for exercise and diet is often not the right. Cellulite, fat and damaged skin is directly related to diet and lack of exercise.

What to do: 
Consume more fruits, vegetables and fruit juice drink 7-8 glasses of water a day. Avoid high consumption of sweets, spirits and animal fat. If you do not have time to go the gym walk rapidly to the supermarket or office and do the housework.

4. Crush pimples
A bad habit that make all women are snapping pimples or blackheads earn themselves. This can cause damage to skin and sometimes even leave a mark. It is rare indeed to attempt a woman to break a grain. A few hours after but can cause an infection or inflammatory response leading to double the size of the pimple.

What to do: 
Put in a special pimple lotion and be patient 2 days until reduced so that it does not seem. Another solution is to put some concealer that contains the active substance against pimples. This will cover the pimple and will heal together.

5. not to sleep 1.00 in the morning!
Proper sleep is one that is not abuse just before bedtime (alcohol, spicy food ...) and it is sufficient for the needs of the organization. Lack of sleep or poor sleep except fatigue causes dark circles under eyes, It emphasizes wrinkles and make skin pale.

What to do: 
Sleep the body renews the skin cells so it should sleep 6-8 hours a day. Many scientists argue that the 1.00 morning while you sleep is the time which is the largest proliferation of skin cells. Did you sleep tonight before 1.00;

6. Smoke without seeing the consequences ...
The cigarette over the devastating effects of health causes huge problems and your appearance. The effects on the skin does not appear immediately, but after years of smoking, then say that the damage will have been. You may have a perfect complexion, although smoke, but it should know that it is temporary ... The cigarette causes damage to collagen is responsible for skin elasticity and wrinkles around the mouth are strong. With smoking induced vasoconstriction which reduces blood flow in the vessels of the skin and thereby oxygen and nutrients reaching this are minimal.

What to do: 
Cut directly smoking, either single or with alternative ways (acupuncture, homeopathy), either with the help of some programs exist in some hospitals. Parallel use daily antioxidant creams( vitamin C) to reduce the effects of smoking. 
Source : lifezone
Diligence : Editorial team
Mykonos Ticker

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