Home Celebrity Vassiliki (Kiki) Nazu: Το μέλλον του νησιού μας είναι συνώνυμο με την...

Vassiliki (Kiki) Nazu: The future of our island is synonymous with Quality of Life


I am Vasiliki (Kiki) Nazou of Mark and Georgia.

I was born and raised in this blessed place ,which our grandparents left us and which for me is MYKONOS and not "M y k o n o s ".

I am for the second consecutive time a candidate for municipal councilor with Christos Veronis.

My only motivation is my non-negotiable need for quality of life.

Why with the team of Christos Veronis;

A) Because I know him very well.
Because I recognize in his face the abilities, the will, the fist, his insight and dear personal desire and need to create and leave works behind.
Life's works to honor him ,his ancestors and his family. Values ​​it has!

B) Because I can confidently say that we are a wonderful one, pure pool of candidates with values ​​and the only motivation is the love for our island and the need to exist meaningfully, real and tangible quality of life, for us and our children.

C) People show their true colors for the first time, I believe them too.
I have acquired in my life the knowledge that ,whoever decides to do it differently next time (second or even third in a row) and he tries to convince me of it, he's just kidding me.
And because:

Δ) I'm not going blind, I'm not being bought off, I do not put personal benefits above the common good of my country (not because I am a superior man, but because I have the intelligence to understand that this in the long run draws a price on ALL of us).

  • I don't negotiate and I don't nitpick, miniatures and parrots of various kinds, that I know what they are hiding behind.
  • A great place, almost all of us know, who gets paid, who is hidingand what hides and what drives each one... be it a faction, or simple commentator.
  • I see and know the facts and choose, again and again, Christos Veronis!
  • Που είναι ικανός να μας δώσει πίσω την ΠΟΙΟΤΗΤΑ ΖΩΗΣ που έχουμε ανάγκη ΟΛΟΙ ΜΑΣ.
  • A Future for US and our ISLAND!
  • A CLEAN island figuratively but also literally!
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