Home Beauty Beauty hack!! Natural botox!! The super tip that dominates social media!!

Beauty hack!! Natural botox!! The super tip that dominates social media!!


It is true that through social media we have the opportunity to watch countless videos with beauty hacks and beauty tips. However, as we have always said we should also do the necessary research about what we see.

After, Well, we emphasized this, it's time to talk about the new beauty trend related to bananas and more specifically about the peeling we can do with this natural element.

Let's get them, Nevertheless, from beginning.

According to some beauty addict users, banana peel has many benefits for our skin.

Specifically, it is an ally against redness, είναι εξαιρετικά αντιρυτιδική και πάνω απ’ όλα έχει αντιγηραντκή δράση και για πολλούς θεωρείται ότι μπορεί να χαρίσει φυσικό botox στο δέρμα. It's no accident, after all, that currently the hashtag #bananabotox has garnered more than 2 millions of views.

This is certainly a pretty tempting number that makes us want to look more for this natural ally.

What is true and how reliable is this tip;

While according to TikTok, banana peel is a natural anti-aging remedy and all we need to do to reduce wrinkles is simply rub it on our face in the morning for about thirty minutes, there are no scientific studies proving its antiaging benefits.

On the other, experts recognize that banana has cleansing properties that are helpful in case of redness, inflammation and other defects.

indeed, as the banana is rich in minerals and vitamins A, B and C, can be used for homemade masks.

What is the conclusion?, Well; Do banana peels really work as a natural botox alternative?;

There is no scientific research that proves that banana peels can act as botox.

In any case, if you decide to try the tip, you should wash the skin.

"There is no scientific evidence that banana peels are an effective wrinkle reduction treatment. However, banana peels are believed to help tighten the skin. contain silicon, along with vitamins A and C.

O Valerie Aparovich, certified cosmetologist and beautician, explains how these elements could have anti-wrinkle ties:

Silicon: This trace element is essential for optimal collagen production and the activation of hydroxylating enzymes, which increase the strength and elasticity of the skin. It also works to lock in moisture and gives a soft feel to the skin.

Vitamin A: OR vitamin A improves skin and firm texture, which helps to even out skin tone and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The skin becomes firmer and smoother thus preventing the formation of new wrinkles.

Vitamin C: This vitamin rejuvenates and brightens the skin. also, lightens hyperpigmentation. Known for its collagen boosting powers, vitamin C supports the resilience and elasticity of the skin. It also strengthens the capillary walls, which is especially important for people with rosacea.

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