Home Beauty Eye Look!! How to improve them 5 πιο συχνά λάθη στο μακιγιάζ...

Eye Look!! How to improve them 5 most often mistakes in our makeup!!


Makeup is an art form and, the most important, a form of expression. When you have creative freedom, the power is in your hand to try different things and see what you like best. Of course, every woman has a different style and preferences, but the basics of proper makeup are almost the same for everyone.

We collected them 5 most often you make mistakes and their corresponding solutions, to deal with them once and for all. Find out what they are and get ready for irresistible #ootd [Outfit Of the day] wherever you are!!

But what are the mistakes that make it difficult for us to achieve the perfect eye look and how will we correct it?;

1. You do not base before applying the shadows

A proper foundation enhances the performance of the shadow and at the same time helps in the best blending - especially when you have done smokey eye.

2. Excessive eye pencil

This is indeed a common problem - as many women overdo it with the pencil- this can have the opposite of the desired effect: make the eyes look smaller and lose a natural look.

3. "Folds" shadow on the eyelids

An oil-free primer is the solution so that you do not have to face this problem during the day.

4. You do not curve your lashes

You do not give the appropriate intensity to your lashes. Each eye look needs a different intensity on the lashes, first think about the style and style of your makeup and use the mascara accordingly.

5. You do not pay attention to blending

You do not spend enough time on blending which is often the key to success for a flawless result.

Makeup is an art form and, the most important, μια μορφή έκφρασης….

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