Home Celebrity Celebrities New generation loading!! Erietta Kourkoulou is pregnant!!

New generation loading!! Erietta Kourkoulou is pregnant!!


Erietta Kourkoulou is experiencing the happiest period of her life, who announced her pregnancy via Instagram.

Pleasant news for Erietta Kourkoulou, who is expecting her first child, fruit of her love with her husband Byron Vassiliadis.

She herself decided to announce the pleasant event with a photo on Instagram.

He even revealed the sex of the baby, which is a baby boy.

Erietta Kourkoulou posted a photo, where she kisses her husband tenderly, Byron Vassiliadis and wears a white T-shirt that mentions: «New generation loading. Please wait».

In the caption of the photo he wrote: "A photo in the same place, but with a very different announcement and even greater love for the man who stood by my rock all this time.

With our son in my womb this time, I wish all the women who try, to hold their baby in their arms soon.

Without your love and support we would not be here today!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that ".

We note that at the same spot the couple was photographed on 16 June, where Erietta Kourkoulou had written about her attempt to get pregnant:

"Two weeks… 14 days.
Where is he going; they will pass!
Yet, for many of us who have been trying for a long time as a child, οι ημέρες αυτές είναι ημέρες αναμονής για την β – χοριακή και περνούν αργά και βασανιστικά.
They evoke mixed emotions, among which is anticipation, the optimism, the pessimism, the stress, ο θυμός και η ευτυχία – συναισθήματα, which we experience many times at the same time.
These days, μεταφράζονται σε ατελείωτες ώρες ψάχνοντας το διαδίκτυο για τα πρώτα συμπτώματα της εγκυμοσύνης – τα όποια βέβαια είναι σχεδόν ολόιδια με εκείνα της περιόδου, but also a futile struggle to locate some inner intuition, which changes from one minute to the next.
They tell you to be optimistic… it helps!
But once you are left a little, images from all the previous times that you were disappointed and you get scared come back, because you know that today's optimism must be measured, in case the miracle does not come… once again. So you try to stay somewhere between optimism and pessimism, until you realize that in between, βρίσκεται η αδιαφορία – την οποία είναι αδύνατο να ενστερνιστείς.
The world around you flows normally and sometimes happily, manages to seduce you and make you forget for a while!
Hold on to these moments!
Recall that although some previous attempt may have failed, does not mean that the same will happen now. At some point the 14 these days, they will come up with a phone call that will change your life forever.
I hope this phone call comes soon for all of us!»

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