Home Beauty Το τέλειο ξανθό – Πως να βάψετε τα μαλλιά σας ξανθά στο...

Το τέλειο ξανθό – Πως να βάψετε τα μαλλιά σας ξανθά στο σπίτι!!

Καταρχήν θα ξεκινήσω λέγοντας πως βαφή = ταλαιπωρία και μάλιστα μεγάλη ταλαιπωρία και για τα μαλλιά μας αλλά και για μας που δεν ξέρουμε με τι απόχρωση θα καταλήξουμε φεύγοντας από το κομμωτήριο ή στο σπίτι…….

Σκέφτηκα να γράψω γι’ αυτό το θέμα γιατί έχω διαβάσει στο διαδίκτυο άπειρα forum με κοπέλες που ψάχνουν να βρουν πως να πετύχουν το ξανθό που ονειρεύονται, without damaging the wool, without getting this awful yellow color and without having to break down every month (Not to say each 20mer) a pile of money in hairdressers. And because I can say that after many attempts I, I managed to achieve the nuance I call the perfect blonde, ie. nor whitewash nor too portokalizei!!

I tell you what I do and how does it help if I'm not special, professional or something.

To point out, I have this effect, having natural hair color dark brown, quite dark but not black ok?

Also emphasize that speaking to girls who have already xanoixei their hair to a certain extent even better in those already blonde hair and want to dye their own root.

(γιατί κοπέλες που έχουν άλλου χρώματος βαμμένα μαλλιά, καταρχήν δεν θα πιάνει η βαφή πάνω στο βαμμένο τους μαλλί κι επίσης θα είναι δύσκολο έως αδύνατο να κάνουν τις ανταύγειες ομοιόμορφες μόνες τους κατά μήκος των μαλλιών τους.)

Introduction to say that:

  • Unfortunately pale blonde without bleaching not. Chronakis years and tried to open slowly but always came honey with a light golden-orange hue, until there, but never more blond. Βέβαια να πω ότι έχω λεπτή τρίχα και ανοίγει εύκολα παρόλο που είναι καστανή σκούρα… Το καλό ήταν ότι paving slowly υπέστησαν λιγότερη φθορά τελικά απ’ ότι αν είχα κάνει ντεκαπάζ κατευθείαν σε όλα τα μαλλιά. Personally I recommend the open before all the hair to start with blond highlights more and more slowly in a good hairdresser and then try to paint your own root how I write below.
  • Secondly, I want to say that the bleaching should NOT be used on all hair. You just have not!! The damage is enormous. Fortunately I do not know from his own experience, but I can imagine seeing the ravages of the highlights I've done bleached. Also it is advisable not to leave it too long hair because it is dangerous. The bleaching has the ability to discolor the hair, namely, first make red, μετά πορτοκαλί, μετά κίτρινη και μετά άσπρη then obviously the burns. In fact recently I read in hairdressing professional site that wrote one of them that if they let go of the bleached lock with foil until it is white, then it is certainly burnt. So, to leave it in your hair until they become white platinum is like playing with fire (and you would probably have burned). Polyyyy is wiser to do in the bleached locks and does not touch the skin, Foil etc.. (Below I will tell you exactly what I do) και να το αφήσεις λιγότερο χρόνο κι απ’ ότι αναγράφει η συσκευασία (ie less than half an hour, especially if you do it every month).
  • The bleaching no matter how long you leave it, will surely leave you a hue let's say phosphorescent, anyway not as natural color.. For sure!! Οπότε μετά θα χρειαστεί να τα περάσεις με μια βαφή ξανθιά σαντρέ για να γίνει more natural and beautiful as the photo. Paint good will is not done on the same day for less hassle hair,although in the salons always done immediately after. I do a bleached afternoon evening not plan to go out and paint the next day.
  • also, because all these dyes each month to wear as yes wool, NOT need for any reason to spend each month throughout the wool dyeing, but ONLY ROOT. Nor should the bleached dyed hair touching but also passed to ROOT ONLY rather like painting but better as highlights. And to add that, better the bleaching take place every two months instead of every month, alternately with the dye put radical.
  • End, αν δεν είσαι σίγουρη ότι σου ταιριάζει το ξανθό καλύτερα μην την ξεκινήσεις όλη αυτή τη διαδικασία γιατί είναι όχι μόνο κουραστική αλλά μπορεί να έχει πολύ άσχημες συνέπειες if you go ok go to pieces but if it does not fit you, what is the reason??

Well information they had to say!! Let's go to practice now.

1) first buy the powder xanthistiki (bleaching) 20 year old with peroxide, (as low as possible as peroxide, the better for the hair. The 40ari better not touch simple). Secondly, We take a blond dye must necessarily be Ash. Any other dye not start the yellowness, especially if you take and ivory hue will become like corn wool. I get the 9.1 Light Ash Blonde, που βγάζει την πιο φυσική απόχρωση απ’ όσες έχω δοκιμάσει. Finally fitted with foil, gloves and towel.

2) Επειδή όπως είπα και παραπάνω δεν κάνει να βάφουμε όλο το κεφάλι με ντεκαπάζ and should not touch skin, do partings around the head and tufts paint the bleaching and cover with aluminum foil. It does not matter if the locks are symmetrical, if points have left little black root, enough to fill his head with painted tufts, cheek by jowl, where we see black root. Then he passed the head to the paint so it will cover aperasta points and will not be shown (anyway with constant repetitions will get used to the process and will succeed better and better the highlights). I suggest bleaching not leave it more than 20 minutes, It is enough to open in the first phase, then will come the paint and will bring them to their straight. So do not soak shock syncope when the bleaching and see a yellow-orange head ok?? Remember that you will go over the paint after. It is very much preferred this than to let the bleaching 40 minutes, be nice white platinum hair, but after breaking, falling, burned and damaged so that never grows to the final and need braids etc. over time.

Μάλιστα εγώ το τελευταίο διάστημα αφήνω το ντεκαπάζ σκάρτο τεταρτάκι. again I pass it after a couple of weeks 9.1 and become super. in any case, say that, (because I was observed by a professional hairdresser) that my wool opens relatively easily does not mean that the same applies for all hair, since each hair is different. They and I will quarter to become yellow-orange, other hair into fourth does not have any open. Then extend the time and open the aluminum foil and per tick 5 λεπτά να δείτε πότε θα γίνουν πορτοκαλοκίτρινα για να λουστείτε.

Also say, that makes sense is that, tufts that will first paint bleached open faster, οπότε καλό θα ήταν για να είναι όλες οι ανταύγειες ομοιόμορφες να βγάζετε τα αλουμινόχαρτα από τις πιο ξανοιγμένες και να λούζετε μόνο αυτές, then the next most xanoigmenes and so on. Those who have done foil weave a hairdresser probably understand what I mean.

3) Λούζεστε καλά με εξουδετερωτικό σαμπουάν και απαραίτητα μάσκα μαλλιών μετά. Dry hair if you insist to spend painting the same day,then just leave it as indicate on, about 30 minutes (not needed, since these have already xanoixei from bleaching).
Kisses and I hope I helped!!

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