
10 decorating tips for the Christmas tree!!

As entertaining can be the process of trimming the Christmas tree, Another so easily can result in big mess and headache…….Before, Well, start decorating, We provide some advice for the process to be easy and organized!!

1. Arrange your decorations, so you can find well organized and the next year

Placed in separate boxes or bags lights tree, the Christmas balls, the cards, candles and other decorative elements. Do not stow everything in a huge bag or box. You will need a long time to stand out and to decide what to use and that the placements.

2. Choose carefully your tree

If you buy natural, noticed coming from crop specifically intended for this purpose and are freshly and cool to not sting and smears your home. If you take artificial, He made sure to have a good basis, ideal size for your space and easily stored.

3. Before trimming your tree, placed a mat beneath the base of

So you will not scratch your floor base and will not mess everywhere plucking (in case of natural tree).

4. Before placements lights on the tree, unwrap them carefully and check whether they work

Do not get into unnecessary trouble unfairly.

5. If there are children or pets in the house, put the tree in the surface above the floor

preferred, indeed, artificial tree, because the needles from the physical can be dangerous for your pet, if the swallow.

6. Observe the correct proportions relative to the size of the tree

Place the biggest balls in the lower branches of the tree and the smaller the higher.

7. In the decoration of the tree do not accidentally throw on it the garlands and braids

The result is not nice visual. Pass around the tree, to give the visual effect of the coil.

8. Give your tree in a theme

It can be provincial, dressed in Victorian wooden balls or small china ornaments or American with candy. Still can not decide balls one color or a successful combination of colors.

9. Put your personal touch to the decoration of the tree

Add decorations that have become outdated or that you might have from your mother. Make candy and decorate with them.

10. The golden tip of the decoration in general is minimal, simplicity

Do not load your tree with what has neither your house as a whole.

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