Home Fashion Πώς να διαλέξετε sneakers που να εφαρμόζουν τέλεια!!

Πώς να διαλέξετε sneakers που να εφαρμόζουν τέλεια!!

Αν πάλιωσαν ή δεν σας εφαρμόζουν σωστά τα sneakers σας, these secrets will save you!! I imagine that most already started the gym!! Give importance, γιατί σας προφυλάσσουν από τραυματισμούς ενώ αυξάνουν την απόδοσή σας……

Start with a test!!

To find out which shoe fits your foot do the water test.
Moisten the bottom of your feet and press on a clean paper.

Now you can see if you have great, small or normal arch:

You've got:

big arch if the imprint shows a narrow strip connecting the front of the heel. You are more likely to accept the vibration on the bottom of feet, so you should choose shoes with soft lining at the bottom.

normal arch if the fingerprint is empty but showing the front and heel be joined to a wide strip. Those who have a normal arch facing few problems. So we choose shoes with solid investment.

little arch If your footprint has a low arch and leaves almost the entire sign. This means that you have reduced natural cushioning. You should choose shoes with maximum support on the sides and bottom and solid investment.

key secrets

* Choose your sport depending on the type of exercise (walking, tzokigngk, dance, tennis etc.), the tread and weight, the ground (terrain, Mountain, asphalt, parquet
* When you experience Always wear athletic socks.
* Do not let the sun or a heat source to dry because they become rigid and lose their elasticity.
* refreshing the each 10-12 months, depending on their use.

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