Home Wellness HELPFUL TIPS The Spring Garden!! Simple Tips To Have A Flowering Garden!!

The Spring Garden!! Simple Tips To Have A Flowering Garden!!

Simple Tips To Have A Blooming Spring Garden Without Wasting Them!! Spring is primarily associated with flowers, gardens and nature and countryside. The care of our garden or balcony,……
will give us well-being but also enjoyment since we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our gardening effort from now until the end of the summer. For a beautiful garden, you do not need to spend a lot of money, the taste and the following tips, are enough!!

There are some steps we can take to help nature in its work:

From the selection of suitable plants and shrubs, to the collection of rainwater and the creation of layers of wet leaves or straw to enrich the soil!!

To save water in your garden you can follow the following tips: -Use your bucket to collect rainwater, with which you can water your garden without wasting water resources and "inflate" your account.

-Think Mediterranean planting herbs and olives.

-The layer of wet leaves or straw retains moisture in the roots of the plants during the warm months and drought.

-Eradicate the parasites, which absorb water and grow at the expense of your plants.

-If you are planting a new shrubby plant, plant a plastic tube together so that the water ends directly at the roots. also, water early in the morning or early afternoon to prevent water from evaporating from the heat.

-Put your plants in large pots that retain moisture better than small ones.

-Place wet leaves in the soil to retain water in the soil.
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