
Skin and winter care: 5+2 tips!!

The skin, when the temperature is low, asks for hydration and care… Winter is one of the worst seasons for our skin. Low humidity levels make our skin dull and dry…….

1. So our first priority is hydration. Moisturize, hydrate, hydrate! Every day without fail. Also, after bathing, apply baby oil to wet skin. It will lock in moisture.

2. Exfoliate twice a week.

3. Drink lots of water. Water is necessary not only for summer but also for winter.

4. Get lots of sleep!! Especially on your days off if you feel heavy the quilt is very good. Don't get out of bed.

5. Instead of your emulsion makeup remover use olive oil. It's perfect for dry skin.

6. Do not set the air conditioner and heater to very high temperatures. They will make your skin even drier.

7. There are devices on the market that maintain humidity in rooms. The so-called humidifiers. Get one and put it where you spend most of the day.

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