Home interiors & Coastal Living Decoration - DECORATION Wax concentrated copper not extinguished and never ends

Wax concentrated copper not extinguished and never ends


Αν έχεις βαρεθεί να αγοράζεις συνεχώς κεριά και να τελειώνουν κάθε λίγο και λιγάκι ήρθε ένα νέο εντυπωσιακό κερί σχεδιασμένο από τον Fabien Gerlier το οποίο δεν σβήνει και δεν……. literally never ends.

The wax is made from a concentrated copper, something like a kind of metallic "Styrofoam" which consists of millions of tiny specks of copper. Unfortunately this product is currently the thesis of the aforementioned student, but the future is not impossible to see in practice.

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