Home Wellness HELPFUL TIPS Getting rid of moisture;

Getting rid of moisture;


humidity, with all accessories ... "type" mold lead, can be particularly harrowing for home and especially for our health.
Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air and in fact the warm air has more moisture than cold air. However, moisture is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, χρειαζόμαστε κάποια υγρασία για να…….
feel comfortable.

In this period we are certainly, excessive indoor humidity are not only uncomfortable and difficult to get rid of one, but can actually cause damage, like mold, fungi, peeling of wallpaper or paint on the walls, warped floors made of hardwood or doors, allergies, moldy air etc..

preventive, reducing the humidity in your home is much more efficient than, what compensation for damage caused by high humidity levels, but for starters, make sure the humidity levels in your home do not exceed 40-50% and maintain the temperature of the room constant at 18 ° C-20 ° C.

It's normal moisture levels in your home;
To determine if the humidity level in your home is unusually high you can run some simple and inexpensive tests.

First, check the walls and windows. If your windows are constantly blurred or if you notice that there is visible moisture on ceilings, this may be an indication of high humidity. Check closets and bathrooms for mold, which is mainly a moisture indicator. Alternatively, you can use a wireless hygrometer. There are two types: mechanical and electrical. Both are suitable for household use.

The hygrometer measures the relative humidity in your home. You have to put in place, who think that the highest humidity, for example in the bathroom, but keep in mind that it may take a few hours until the mechanism to "say" with certainty the amount of moisture.

How to remove moisture
Not only the external environmental conditions, contributing to increased levels of moisture and the man himself, animals and plants, producing moisture even by breathing.

Such moisture naturally unavoidable. But to reduce the humidity levels indoors are several ways.

1. Open air conditioners: Although this is probably the most expensive option, the truth is that air conditioners help reduce moisture, "Drying" essentially hot air.

2. Move houseplants outdoors. Plants produce much moisture, which can in turn creates the one suffocating atmosphere. Try not to have plants in your home or at least move them outdoors, which will not be detrimental to the indoor air. If you want to have houseplants, choose those that do not require frequent watering.

3. Take cold showers. The bathroom is an ideal environment for the development of moisture. The steam from a hot shower contributes significantly to air humidity and it would be good to avoid them.

4. Install a fan in the basement, kitchen and bathroom. Although this can be very costly, in the long run will save you the hassle, effort and money, You will need if not promptly get rid of moisture inside your home.

5. Leave open the bathroom door. Remember to always leave open the bathroom door, to avoid trapping moisture inside.

6. also, if you are a fan or extractor fan in the kitchen, let it run for a while after you have finished cooking, to absorb moisture.

7. Attention to cooking. The heat from the steam having a high moisture content, for this reason it would be good to avoid cooking at high temperatures.

8. Another option to reduce the internal moisture It is to invest in a dehumidifier, especially if the humidity level in your home exceeds the 50 -60%. Remember that the only function of a dehumidifier is to remove moisture from the air, not to cool the, such as an air conditioner.

9. Check for leaks in the roof or your basement. If this happens, arrange for its repair and insulate the affected areas.
Source : clickatlife.gr
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