Home interiors & Coastal Living Feng Shui Feng-shui …στα γρήγορα!

Feng-shui …στα γρήγορα!


beams: Avoid placing the beams under our bed, Our office , chairs and sofas. Αν αυτό λόγω χώρου είναι………
impossible, cover it with cloth to reduce the intense energy of.

mirrors: Watch their size so as not to "cut" the image that reflect. Not place them opposite the main entrance and the bedroom to the point that reflects our bed.

The entrance of our house that is the point from which we welcome energy .Frontizoume therefore not "boukonoume" the main entrance with shoes, umbrellas and other items usually unconsciously leave to enter that home. As we welcome a dear friend so we want to welcome and our positive chi space.

The dust is our enemy since it is energy that has stagnated. We take care not to forget the corners and places under furniture. Nobody wants us negative influences under the bed or sleeping couch relaxing.

Plants renew oxygen and beautify our home. That's why we treat them with due respect. The freeing of the leaves, the watering depending on their needs and make sure that we are clean and beautiful pots.

And above all, we are grateful for what we have and we activate our intention to get what we want!
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Σύμβουλος ενεργειακής χωροθεσίας

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