Home Beauty Tips for beautiful and healthy feet

Tips for beautiful and healthy feet

Human feet are a miracle medicine
biomechanics, που οι περισσότεροι από εμάς θεωρούμε δεδομένα – έως ότου,
namely, start the whole system to malfunction.
Man is born to walk and during
life easily crosses the entire foot in ...

planet - twice
indeed, average! The perpetual walk, Nevertheless, not hapless risks
and consequences, say experts from the University Podiatry Center
of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).

All kinds of injuries, injuries, infections,
arthritis, and the "diabetic foot" are the main enemies of
Our limbs feet, say - and warn that without proper care, I will
suffer for a lifetime.
The UCLA's specialists offer the following general advice
for healthy feet:
1. Do not ignore the pain. No pain in the legs does not
It is normal and, if you insist, You need evaluation by a specialist.
2. Regularly check your feet. Look especially
changes in color and the temperature, if nails are fattening or
discoloration (is growing evidence mycosis) if there
cracks or cuts in the skin.
Also check your feet: if
peel them at any point, even close to the fingers,
suggest a fungal infection known as athlete's foot (or tinea of
Remember also that any arrangement appears feet (from
a callus to a node) not considered normal.
3. Wash your feet daily, especially among
fingers, and dry them carefully. Immediately after you have to moisturize
good, preferably by lotion or cream. This tip is very
important for those suffering from diabetes.
4. Cut your nails straight, but not too close.
Be careful not to cut their corners or sides, because when developed
Again the nail, can "enter" into the "meat".
If you suffer from diabetes,
problems with blood circulation or heart disease, must not
cut your nails yourself nor remove their own beauty, because you
vulnerable to infections.
People with these problems must be
directed to a doctor.
5. Buy shoes that fit your feet.
Make their purchase pm, so your legs are "puffy" and
replace your worn shoes as often as possible.
6. Select appropriate shoes for each
activity (l.ch. running shoes for jogging, flat shoes
walking, shoes with high heels only for exceptional circumstances).
7. Do not wear every day the same pair of shoes. To
change at least every other day.
8. Do not walk barefoot, especially if you have diabetes
diabetes. Without walking shoes are more vulnerable to injuries and
Be careful in the summer on the beach, not only because
You can press a glass, but also because the hot sand can
cause burns to your feet.
Do not also forget the summer coat
the Mr. de Piet with sunscreen, if surf sandals or flip flops.
9. Be extremely careful when you try to
own experience problems such as calluses and blisters. Very often
self-care, which is the wrong way, turns small problems into big.
The self-care is contraindicated in individuals with diabetes - should be addressed
their doctor.
10. If you have "sugar", You should be examined in Clinic
Diabetic Foot least once a year for inspection by an expert.
Beware if you have "sugar"
As highlighted by the UCLA experts, and the
Greek Society for the Study Diseases Diabetic Foot (EMEDIP), care of
Foot has special significance for patients 'sugar', as usual to
called diabetes. That too, because at increased risk
suffer from damage to blood vessels and nerves in their feet, them bring
an increased risk of injury which will hardly realize.
As Mr explains. Chris Manes, president and EMEDIP
Director of the Department of Medicine & the Diabetes Center at
Hospital «Papageorgiou» Thessaloniki, problems at the feet of
diabetic patients usually begin with a wound that passes unnoticed and
which does not close.
The wound may be due to diabetic
neuropathy or diabetic angiopathy. The first result not
the patient perceives pain, warmth etc., while the second leads to
occlusion of vessels reduces the blood supply to the leg. So, prevented
wound healing and the risk of infection increases and then
gangrene, leading to amputation.
estimated that 240.000 until 300.000 Greeks have
diabetic neuropathy and about 120.000 have diabetic angiopathy, against
the general secretary Nikos EMEDIP Tentolouris, Assistant Professor of Pathology
and director of the Diabetes Center Hospital "Popular". Each year,
Moreover, mutilated 2.000 until 3.000 people because of complications in
their feet.

In our country there 16 State Diabetic Clinic
leg. People are in hospitals, Annunciation, C. Genimatas Athens, A.
Fleming, Polyclinic, Syngrou, Attikon, NIMTS, Tzaneio, Papageorgiou, Thebes,
Halkida, Venizelio Heraklion, University Alexandroupolis, Larissa

Source : ygeia.tanea
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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