Home Beauty Sunglasses: how to choose the best for our eyes;

Sunglasses: how to choose the best for our eyes;


strong sun of our country can create problems for those
defy the. view, what damage can be caused to our eyes and
what criteria will choose the best sunglasses.

The importance of the Sun in the development and maintenance of life on Earth is crucial. Με τη θεμελιώδη διαδικασία της φωτοσύνθεσης προσφέρει …..
the necessary energy for the development of living organisms, maintain the surface temperature of the Earth within acceptable levels for life and our course offers the Light, this priceless gift, which with the help of our eyes contributes to the "miracle" of Vision.

But, however necessary and beneficial is the sun in our lives, equally dangerous and harmful can be done. The radiation of the particular invisible ultraviolet (GRAPES, UVB), can cause many serious injuries, especially in sensitive areas of the body such as the skin and eyes. These risks are even, recent decades have increased significantly, due to the reduction of ozone in the stratosphere (The ozone hole).

Long-term studies have shown that ozone, which is a kind of filter for the ultraviolet radiation, reduced by 3-6% per decade and is responsible for the uncontrolled human activity, particularly air pollution from various biochemical residues. this increases the amount of solar ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth, causing significant damage to our health.

Regarding our eyes and around these sensitive area, excessive and unprotected sun exposure, can cause damage to the skin of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, the lens and retina.

Eyelashes: Induced skin aging (dehydration, ripple, staining etc.). But the most serious are the various forms of eyelid skin cancer may develop, with serious consequences even for our life itself! (The 90% skin cancers caused by sunlight).

Conjunctiva-cornea: Chronic exposure to ultraviolet radiation, can cause degenerative changes in the conjunctiva, like steatio and the flap, diseases that are more common in countries with high sunshine as the Mediterranean and individuals who work long hours outdoors eg. farmers, fishermen etc..

Excessive sun exposure can also cause irritation of the conjunctiva (conjunctivitis) and cornea (keratitis), with redness of the white of the eye, lacrimation, photophobia and foreign body sensation in the eye (as debris).

Symptoms are more pronounced in people who suffer from seasonal allergic conjunctivitis, vernal keratoconjunctivitis or dry eye and do not take the necessary precautions.

In severe cases of keratitis due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation for a long time ( burn cornea by irradiation), we necrosis and apoptosis surface of cornea cells, with extremely intense pain, almost similar to that observed following exposure unprotected radiation from welding, when you need immediate medical care.

Finally we may have and look carcinoma of the conjunctiva from ultraviolet radiation, but which fortunately is not very common.

Lens: There are strong indications that some forms of cataract, (cf.. eye diseases), probably due to excessive and prolonged exposure to sunlight, since much of the UV radiation is absorbed by the lens of the eye.

Statistical surveys have shown that for every decrease of ozone in the stratosphere 1%, corresponding increase in cataract cases in the general population in 0.5%.

Fundus of the eye: The bottom of the eye (retina) They are very sensitive to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation can cause burns in the macula with severe vision decrease, as it occurs in people who watched solar eclipse without special protection filters. But the blue light, lying in the visible spectrum of the solar radiation has been implicated in causing lesions in the macula, and even quite severe (B.C. Macular degeneration).

What people most at risk;

1.People with light eyes, because their irises have less pigment and thereby less protection fundus irradiation.

2. People who have undergone cataract surgery and the natural lens of the eye is removed, which is a natural filter in any kind of radiation, although modern artificial intraocular lenses that replace the cataract lens, and they provide some protection against radiation.

3. People with macular degeneration.

4. Sensitive groups, such as children and the elderly. Even the elderly are more susceptible, because their eye lenses have lost some special substances essential for protection from radiation.

protection Methods:

-Hats with wide brim.

-Special sunscreen for the face, the nose and the delicate area around the eyes.

What to Know About Sunglasses;

Suitable sunglasses must meet certain requirements to be safe and provide efficient protection, according to the directives 89/686 / CEE of the European Union and 21CFR 801.410 / FDA Food and Drug Administration USA.

For this reason and to protect and inform consumers, each pair of sunglasses should be accompanied by an Information Note, Specific certificates and CE signal. The briefing notes indicate various specifications, including the type of product and the type or types of radiation absorbed.

From 1995 then sunglasses should indicate on the inner surface of the arm, among others, and the category to which they belong (0,1,2,3,4) and corresponding to the ambient conditions for which the lens is made.

Each right pair of sunglasses should:

-Have really absorbent lenses (99-100%) for ultraviolet rays (UVA and UVB) and in older people and blue light, whether the lenses are crystalline, organic (light) or polykormpone (lighter and more durable). The absorbency of a lens is not dependent on the color of, but the material and can only be detected using special machines that have optical shops.

-The lenses are made of pure and homogeneous material, so as not to cause unwanted optical phenomena such as reflections, diffract, aberrations, deformations, etc..

-The lens material remained unchanged in the various conditions and the lenses to uniformly attenuate all regions of the spectrum, so as not to alter the color of objects.

-End, It should not be too dark, so as to not significantly restrict the visible spectrum, to permit their use in days of average sunshine, but not to cause dilation of the eye pupils, which allows entering the eye Further harmful radiation.

-Sunglasses can be made and eyeglasses (myopia-hyperopic astigmatism--presvyopias-multifocal) by special order and in various colors and types such as neutral, polarizing, photochromic etc.. the clips- on, i.e. the additional helium lenses mounted over eyeglasses, They are an economical solution but offer relatively poor visual quality, with many reflections, especially when light falls at an angle.

-Children should learn them and to the use of sunglasses from an early age, whether they are simple sunglasses or sun-eyeglasses. They should have full absorption, be light(to accept them more easily) and is unbreakable security (plastic-organic).


The choice of color depends on the preferences of each person and use their intended:

-The brown shades are ideal for intense sunshine because it eliminates glare.

-The yellow lenses are suitable for winter sports and excursions because they make the colors more bold and bright.

-The gray and gray-green lenses are suitable for most uses, after filtering glare and provide good shading, without distorting colors.

-The colored lenses eg. pink or purple is a good choice for the city, especially when it is cloudy because it creates great shading, but also for water sports they offer the correct contrast objects in an area with large blue or green surfaces.

Tips for sunglasses:

-Do not try the glasses just in front of the mirror to see if "go" you. Bgeite outdoors to try to light and to understand whether or not you relax.

-Do not buy sunglasses from street vendors. Copies oikon fashion models can be cheap, but they are of dubious quality. Eat good quality absorbent glasses, manufactured with scientific standards of recognized companies (not necessarily "brands"), marketed by responsible departments or optical stores and have all necessary certificates of authenticity.

-Glasses with large lenses better protect. Do not forget that the area around the eyes is particularly sensitive.

-The best way to clean it with cold water and soap.

-When not using, to have kept in their holsters.

-And do not forget: sunglasses are necessary and cloudy!

By George New, Ophthalmologist and scientific collaborator www.iator.gr .

Source : clickatlife.gr
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