Home Wellness HELPFUL TIPS 18 Minor "secrets" for a better quality of life

18 Minor "secrets" for a better quality of life


A better quality of life and less likely to become ill,
we can achieve our changing some daily
habits. As insignificant appear those changes, other so
σημαντικές είναι για την υγεία…

The health scientists Christos Pitsavos, Nikos Papaioannou and
Antonis Kafatos give their advice on changes that will
We could do in our daily lives, giving our welfare.

1. Remove one gram of salt per day in food
Research by the universities of Oxford and Liverpool, which
presented at the annual meeting of the American Heart
Company in San Francisco, showed that more than 21.000
people in Britain will survive from coronary heart disease if they ate
only one less gram of salt per day, they added on a fruit
their daily diet and replace the 1% the intake
energy from saturated fats (animal) or hydrogenated fats, unsaturated

Remember that with each tumble in the average salt dredger falls to
food salt amount to half a gram, while each teaspoon
tsp salt is about 5 grams.

2. Replace pointy shoes with round or square
The best customers of orthopedic doctors are women
wear pointy shoes! "The shoes with triangular nose deform
fingers and cause women sore guts (the
valgus deformity of the big toe)», says Mr.. Papaioannou.

3. Wear sunscreen in winter or on cloudy days
"Sunscreen is not just for summer and sunshine",
highlights the dermatologist Nick Lowe, Hospital consultant
University College London. "UVA radiation, the sneaky enemy
skin, It is present throughout the year and penetrates clouds and glasses.
For this, Wear sunscreen every day (covering the UVA
radiation), winter SPF 15 and summer
SPF 30 ».

4. Eat foods with different colors
color represents different antioxidants that shield
health, and nutrients which act synergistically with other.
For example, vitamin C in fruits enhances absorption
iron from green leafy vegetables like spinach. Daily,
Well, think if you ate something with color green, orange and

5. Reduce your daily calories by 250 the day
You lose an odd pound a month, simply removing from the diet
your example. a donut (218 calories), half milk chocolate (265
calories), a wafer (203 calories), two soft drinks (129 calories
one), changing both full dairy yogurts (212 calories
simple and 230 the wringer) to lean (82 calories one),
replacing the pie snack (280 calories) with an apple (71
calories), a pear (49 calories), a peach (66 calories), 20
cherry (24 calories) or 10 strawberries (27 calories).

"The decrease in body weight 5 pounds, may reduce the
bad cholesterol (LDL) approximately 5%-8%, and for every pound you lose
increases good cholesterol (HDL) against 0,35 units ", says.

"Furthermore, improving body mass index and obtaining the
ideal (the amount and physical activities of each person)
weight restores the systolic and diastolic pressure normal

6. Do not wear completely flat shoes
"A small elevation (heel 1,5 – 3 centimeters) It is essential for
static body ", says. Papaioannou. "So, allotted
body weight over the entire surface of the tread and not only in
your heels and mean no hassle ".

7. Do not eat just one meal a day
"Our meals during one day should not
a total of more than five or fewer than three, for proper
functioning of our metabolism ", Mr. explains. Pitsavos.

"Eat three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two
the smaller intervals (preferably a fruit or a
yoghurt)», notes.

So share the food of the day, to get even
release of glucose in the blood and thus increase the physical and
mental endurance and avoid drowsiness.

8. To work in the correct ergonomic position
Poor posture in front of computer strain the
neck, spine and wrists, as a result
caused back pain and neck and inflammation.

"The screen should be at eye level to avoid bending",
advises Mr.. Papaioannou. "Under the fruit should be a
cushion (pad), to not cause tendonitis. The back should be
well supported in chair. The chair should be rotating,
as not we turn our bodies to the screen ".

9. Do exercises while watching TV
While watching TV, you can lie on the mat for stretching
trunk (much relief after a sedentary job in the office)
and some abdominal muscle exercises, who are not working with
everyday chores.

You can also do some exercises with fitness ball, either
tapping feet on the floor and carefully stretching back to
surface or using a circular motion with the hips while sitting
on the ball.

Another idea is to sit upright on one leg for a minute
(by switching to the other foot next time) and wash
your teeth. It's a good balance exercise.

10. eat 5-6 walnuts a day
"They give the sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linoleic
acid) for prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke
episodes ", Mr. explains. Kafatos.

11. Wash your hands as you enter the house
"Many viruses can be passed easily from your hands to
your organization. So, door handle, public building or
handlebars to the subway is the worst thing you can catch ",
says Professor Ron Eklis, director of the Common Cold Center
at the University of Cardiff.

"I always try to have hands in my pocket or read on the train
a book and when I return home I wash my hands with soap much
and hot water ", explains Professor.

"Take, also, if you are tired, do not rub your eyes
with unwashed hands, It is an entry point for each virus', adds.

12. Do not drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day
"Preferably, coffee filter or be Greek ", recommends Mr..
Pitsavos. "The abuse of coffee consumption increases blood pressure
and she, the risk for heart attack and stroke ".

13. Do not talk about work problems when you go out for entertainment
The worst thing you can do when you go out for fun
You are talking about problems, according to psychology professor at
University of Lancaster Cary Cooper.

"Do you think that something you do for your problem, but in
Actually you do not do anything ", says. "Rather, a coffee or a
ride with a friend without unpleasant discussions are the best
strategy to deal with stress ".

14. Add a glass of red wine in your daily meal
"Drinking alcohol daily in small quantities (1-2 small
glasses) It has proven protective functions and improves
heart function and all the vascular ", says. Pitsavos.
"Especially the red wine is rich in antioxidants'.

15. Do not oversleep on weekends and holidays
Many migraines referred to as' weekend headaches of », why
often seen on Saturday mornings or Sunday, according
Dr.. Andrew Dawson, clinical director of the PCT in Kent.

"The changes in sleep hours have spectacular results in
hypothalamus of the brain and is responsible for the balance of
hormone, that can trigger headaches. For this, try
follow over the weekend, about the same time with
weekdays. If you feel tired, you can sleep on
little lunchtime ".

16. Do strenuous exercise three times a week for 10 minutes
According to a study recently published in the journal
«Journal of Physiology», alternating short intense exercise explosions by
short periods of inactivity gives better results with less
time and effort.

"Making intensive ten one-minute example. the exercise bike and
stopping for a minute, three times a week, It has the same
Results for muscles with many hours of conventional exercise which does not
becoming as intensively ", says Professor at McMaster University
Canada, Martin Gkimpala.

17. The best time to buy new shoes is at the end of the day
"Because feet swell during the day, the size
morning is usually different from the night and if you buy shoes
the morning, they will afflict your feet and
warp your fingers ", notes Mr.. Papaioannou.

18. Breathe like babies
"Stress is cumulative, γι’ αυτό βρείτε μικρά “παράθυρα
time "during the day to decompress from stress
with a few good breaths ", says Dr.. Neil Shah, director of the British
Stress Management company.

"Stress causes small breaths that leave the bulkhead property
so do all the work the chest muscles. The muscles are
They are getting closer and at the end of a day with intense stress,
You feel your shoulders have reached your ears ...!»

So to take deep breaths like having a ball
inflates under the belly. Hold this breath for 5 – 6
seconds and slowly exhale through the nose.

"If you repeat the process ten times every two hours will
You feel different person at work ", says Dr.. Shah. "The
call the baby breathing, because we all are born with good breath ".

Source : femalecity
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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