Home Beauty The preoccupation with the body and body image

The preoccupation with the body and body image


The human body has the power always expresses the soul both health and illness.
From Rosewood Charila, psychologist, MSc Occupational Health, Specialization in Systemic - Family Psychotherapy

Have you ever wondered if it is "right" to anyone concerned with the body or the image of his body; If it's healthy to take care of his body and cares for his image; And generally it is right to look after himself;…..
The answer is yes. Nevertheless, for many years and often happening today, the deal with someone taking care of himself was his own selfish, unacceptable and therefore prohibitive. Greater importance and value to someone should have been the other's needs usually at the expense of self own.

Fortunately these days this is beginning to change, but has not completely changed. The self care at all levels will have for everyone is the number value in life. Otherwise you can not care and no other healthy way.

And do not use random description "healthy". The human health does not just physical health and not only in the absence of an illness or a disability. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Unfortunately it has come to be regarded as a case body and degraded. From completeness life is the acquisition of a sound and toned body and proper functioning of a machine medical profession.

Man must take care of himself at all levels. Take care of friendly relations, comradely, related. Take care of the mind, take care of his soul. Take care of his body through sports, through diet, through medical monitoring.
In this sense the care of the body as part of self-care is not only desirable and healthy, but necessary.

The human body has the power always expresses the soul both health and illness. It has the power to reflect the restricted thoughts that can fill guilt. Can reveal feelings that we do not dare to recognize and repel. Can symbolize pieces of self and our personality with which we have never come in contact sincere. This is when the body is asked to do a difficult job in many different ways: with the emergence of various diseases, psychosomatic symptoms, through eating, with the constant preoccupation with body image.

When dealing with body image becomes continuous and gaining a healthy and toned body becomes compulsive need not talk about healthy self care. Taking care of the body takes the form of trap. Why something healthy and desirable, leads to pathology is certainly not just about the body. Used by the person as a good excuse and health conditions, and has to do with pathology can develop into anorexia, various compulsions, depression, social withdrawal and many mental illnesses.

In compulsive preoccupation with body image has anyone seen, to open and work with criticism issues, confidence, esteem, security, fear, trust, anger that reflect the attitudes of each individual and applied in relations with others and with himself.
Source : psychografimata.com
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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