Feng-shui and mirrors


Feng-shui and mirrors
You've certainly read that the mirrors are a sensitive issue in fengshui. We can place and not the. It measures the shape and size; I will try to solve your your key questions, starting from the fact that the mirror is a treatment tool in space. Δεν τον τοποθετούμε για…….
to beautify a wall or a corner. The place because it serves a purpose.
The mirror speeds up the flow of energy. Also they can change the flow of energy and send it somewhere we want. Also they can balance a space when the one area missing. When that is not square or rectangular. It can be shaped.

It is important not to place mirrors opposite the entrance of the house, windows or doors. Thereby expelled energy trying to get into space.

Also do not place two mirrors facing one another. So there will be tension in the atmosphere.

Good to dodge and mirrors in the bedroom. Here we want to slow down the action and not to increase, if we want to have a good sleep and healing.

We place mirrors;

Near the entrance, that the energy enters the room to circulate more comfortable and can move in all directions.

A staircase leading to a dark room without multiple windows, such as attic or basement. Here we want to give a boost to energy reaches the space wish.

In a long corridor without light. You can switch some mirrors left and right to drive energy where you want it.
peace Spaneli
Special advisor Feng Shui

Source: http://gynaika.gr
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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