Home Beauty the 5 more often you make mistakes with mascara

the 5 more often you make mistakes with mascara


Certainly know how to put mascara, but there are some thing or that you should avoid.
To have the best results from your mascara, but not to put at risk your eyes, He noticed the following common errors ...

1. You put too many layers
Most require two coats of mascara. The longer you put it is likely to dry out during the application, resulting to the unsightly knots.

2. Put and take off and hold the brush in the bottle
The extra air that enters the boukalai mascara dries faster and created snowflakes and small pieces, which in the next efarmigi will be transferred to your eyelashes.

3. You have too much time on the same mascara
If you do not remember when you bought the, throw the! Microbes developed can be pre-grinding redness, itch, tingling or even worse infection.

4. There dyers roots
When the roots are left avaftes result seem that your lashes are shorter than!

5. Practicing pressure during application
When long push mascara, It is expected to moutzouronesia the eye lid or the lower lid. Corrected the damage with a cotton swab moistened with liquid remover!
Source : faysbook.gr
Diligence : Editorial Team Mykonos Ticker

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