Home Beauty 5 Steps to make your own highlights at home!!

5 Steps to make your own highlights at home!!


Το να κάνεις μόνη σου ανταύγειες στα μαλλιά σου στο σπίτι είναι μια υπόθεση πιο εύκολη απ’όσο νομίζεις…
Give shine to your hair and animated color adding highlights. It's very easy, just followed the 5 steps ...

Κατ’ αρχάς θα χρειαστείς δυο κουτιά βαφή. One color that already have
to spend the roots and the other two or three shades lighter.

Step 1
Catch up, a Eyelets, hair half the height of the ears.

Step 2
Begin to spend the anochtochromi paint in small toufitses per 1 ekatoato about.

Step 3
He continued the same process, leaving the bottom-portion
hair until you reach the top. He estimated that each series will
It comprises about 8 painted tufts.

Step 4
Refrained from doing so in the last section of hair, this
the top (που γίνεται η φυσική “χωρίστρα” των μαλλιών) but added
some close to the face to shine.

Step 5
When you finish the above procedure, He went to the roots of darker hue.

Source : Forum-4hair

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